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Well, Like All Good Things...  

I had to have something bad happen...

This is a perfect example of things going terribly WRONG!!!
My poor Sunfire was parked in a lot minding its own business when..... WHAM!!!! A new 2001 S-10 ran straight into the front passenger corner of my car. Estimates right now are standing at around $1300 - $1400 to get it fixed up. Doesn't look that expensive does it?



The results of NOT LOOKING when BACKING UP!!!!!
This guy slammed into my car as I was walking up to it. If it hadn't been for that I would probably be screwed. He put his truck in reverse and floored the gas. I actually heard his tires squeel as he started backing up. I would guess with his 20ft. run he was going about 10-15 mph. It ruined my bumper, dented my fender, messed up my head light assembly, and RUINED MY NEW PAINT-JOB!!!!



This is a perfect example of things going TERRIBLY WRONG!!!  The real pain in the ass part of this is that my car was starting to really come together, and now I have to put all my other projects on hold so that I can deal with Insurance companies and Body Shops. 

The idiot had the nerve to tell me he didn't see my car.
It was only parked RIGHT BEHIND HIM!!!



This fender is bent down from his bumper slamming into the front of my car. You can see how the paint exploded off from the bumper flexing in & out from the impact. There were chips of paint 5 ft. away. I now have a great respect for plastic bumpers, I figured it would shatter, break, or explode. Instead it re-formed itself, but it has a lot of stress cracks.


The plan for now.....
The plan for now is..
Get the insurnace company to cut me a check.
I will replace the bumper myself with a GT bumper.
Then I am going to smooth the sides by taking off all the moldings off the sides.
After that I will sand her all the way down and Fix any imperfections.
Finally I am going to send her off to get painted the way I wanted Originally...
Stripes and all!!!

Check My Progress

I will eventually fill this page....
As work gets done I will keep you updated with new pics and news. This page is dedicated to the idiot who hit me.

If you see this...

 you know who you are!!